Anne Lee

Mongolia Team 2023

Fundraising Completed

I'm going to Mongolia!

Friends, I'm excited to say that I have been given the opportunity to join my church on a trip to Mongolia next month. We will be there for about a week, getting to know the culture, the people and the brothers and sisters working hard to spread the gospel there. We will be working with a local children's home that provides shelter and education for about 50 children plus single moms. Our prayer is that we will be able to see, be blessed and praise God for what He has been doing in Mongolia and also establish a long-term relationship with the local church there for further partnerships for the kingdom in the future. 

Here are some things I would like your prayers on for this upcoming trip:
- We have our pre-teens joining us this trip! It's such a blessing and a joy to have families join together for the work of God, to be able to experience and worship Him together. Please pray that the week will be filled with growth in love for God and compassion for the lost in their hearts. (and for the rest of us too haha) 
- Pray we will experience the strengthening of relationships and unity within our family. (biological and our church family)
- Pray we will not be distracted by whatever chaos comes our way but will be grateful and worshipful the entire process.
- Please pray that we will be filled financially! So that all of us can make this trip without financial stress, and so we can bless the children's home and local church in Mongolia through those means as well.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support,

Anne Lee

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