Daniel Huh

Nepal Team 2018

Fundraising Completed

Support Daniel on his first official mission trip!

Hey guys,

I’ve been living abroad in Korea for about 6.5 years now and have been following Christ for most of my life. I’ve only recently started actively searching for Him and trying my best even when I’m in my worst to keep the relationship live with Jesus.

In the midst of this process, God has led me to go on my first ever mission trip since high school and my first ever international mission trip and there were a lot of fears and lack of trust but God told me to just TRUST HIM and all things will fall into place. The biggest doubt and fear I had was the financial aspect due to the fact that I am pursuing art full time now.

On July 21st through July 28th, a team from my home church King’s Cross will be going to Nepal for a mission trip. The total cost of this trip individually will be approximately 1,500,000won ($1500 USD), which I will be covering half and fundraising the rest.

If you can partner up with me financially in my first ever international mission trip and be God’s medium in sending me off to Nepal, I’d more than greatly appreciate your support. Any amount can be donated and even $1 makes a huge difference for me. You can trust that I, too, will work extremely hard to save money for this trip. Trust me on that. If financial support is hard, prayer is just as good so if you can lift up a prayer for a brother, I’d really appreciate it.

A couple prayer requests that I have are

-To trust God fully

-To be mindful of the culture and people in Nepal and be a helping hand to those in need

-For God to fully make this happen by meeting the financial requirement

-For me to have a humble heart and for my body to be healed and be at a 100% to serve

-For all of us that are going to truly experience God’s powers through this trip

-And lastly, for all of us to return home safely

Thank you so much for reading through this support letter and may God reveal His strength and glory to the ends of this earth, including your home J


God Bless,





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