Charles + Yoona + Elise + Elliot

Mongolia Team 2023

Fundraising Completed

A Different Kind of Trip

Dear Friends,

We are excited for our first missions trip as a family (destination: Mongolia) with six other wonderful members of the KX Seoul community! (for additional background and prayer requests, please see Pastor Sangmin and Emma's page)

This is the first trip that we are taking with our children with a "God and others-oriented" purpose. 

We look forward to meeting the precious children of Mongolia, and the beautiful people serving them with the love of Jesus. 

Our prayer is that God would give us bigger and softer hearts, eager hands, and words of love and wisdom during our time there. We hope to return with a clearer vision for service & missions for our family and our church. 

I know many of you have hearts to go, but cannot because of work & family commitments. 

We invite you to participate with us by supporting us in prayer and also financially (the funds will go towards some of the costs of the trip, and also for the presents and donations that we will share with the children there). We do covet your prayers for protection and guidance throughout! 

With love and gratitude,

Charles, Yoona, Elise and Elliot

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