Arnold Kim - YoungLife Korea

Arnold Kim - YoungLife Korea

$4,350 remaining
$7,212 raised
62% of $11,562 goal

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About This Project

Young Life is a non-profit, Christian-based youth outreach organization. Founded in 1941 in Texas, Young Life has since grown and is now in all 50 states and over 100 countries. 

Young Life’s mission statement is "introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith"

Our primary hope is to build relationships with students who are outside of the church while providing them with authentic relationships, mentorship and discipleship (when they are ready for it).

Young Life Korea (YLK) will be the 105th to be established in the global community. 

The short-term mission is to pioneer YLK in Seoul starting at Soongsil University in Dongjak-gu. To make contact and develop relationships with students, YLK will be offering free English Language Learning services, Career coaching, and fitness and health instruction, while also doing Discovery Bible Study with any Christian students we can come into contact with and help them catch the vision of reaching out to their friends. As we build relationships, the aim is to “earn the right to be heard" and to share the Gospel. 

Part of the Young Life model is to also have a semi-regular event (club) that is safe and relevant for students who are non-Christian and where the Gospel is communicated in a language that they can understand. (Not just in Korean, but in a way that makes sense to them) 

For those that hear and receive the Gospel message and want to learn more, YLK will be providing discipleship through Campaigners, a weekly small group Bible study session, walking alongside students in their spiritual growth. 

Our mission is twofold: to reach Soongsil students who are unchurched and to train volunteer leaders to reach middle and high school students in the local community through relationship building, mentorship and discipleship. 

The long-term vision is to replicate this model of reaching university students, raising them up and training them to be leaders for the next generation, throughout the city of Seoul and beyond. 


**All contributions will be directly deposited into a Young Life account designated to Arnold Kim and will cover all ministry expenses -  operation costs which include events, program expenses, program meals, volunteer leader care and salary.

***For all funds sent to this account, only US Credit Card holders and Paypal users will be able to receive US Tax Documents(Not eligible for Korea Tax Reports). All other funds are qualified for Korean Tax Documents only. Funds sent in South Korean Won cannot be applied to US Tax Documents.


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